Sustainability Celebration Day Pt. 1

Thomas More University - Student

Sustainability Celebration Day is an annual event held by Thomas More University around Earth Day in the spring. The event is held by the business department promoting sustainability and conservation efforts specifically in the field of business, but also more broadly in our every day lives. The event spans the entire campus in an all day event with different booths, games, and speakers to discuss the topic. The event changes logos each year, so the graphic design classes host a competition to select the SCD’s logo for that year. While I didn’t end up winning, here is the logo I created!

I believe that it is all of our responsibilities to help the Earth in our own ways, big or small. The reason for that is because of our place here in the world more broadly, but also because of our place as students and faculty at Thomas More. To put that into perspective, I placed the Thomas More Saints logo onto the world, reminding the audience it’s not just their duty to the planet and humanity at large to do good, but also to the people closest to us.


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I also created several posters for the design that did end up winning, which was created by Devin Esterline!

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